I'm doing a study in Deuteronomy on raising children. Deuteronomy is full of admonitions to parents. And I was considering the reason I discipline Micah, I was a little surprised to realize that I had forgotten the purpose of my discipline. It's not so that Micah behaves (although that's nice). I discipline so that Micah will grow up knowing there are consequences to sin. God always sees and He can never overlook sin. There are consequences, good or bad, to every decision we make, every word we say, every thing we do. I want Micah to obey me now so that He obeys God later.
Will that make a difference in how I discipline? Of course it will! When I realize something that important is on the line I will find myself being more consistent and deliberate in my child-rearing.
What about my purpose as a wife? My purpose as a homemaker? As a blogger? What's my purpose for getting up early? Why am I striving to stay at home more instead of being involved in lots of activities? Why do I study my Bible?
I think as we get ready to start this new year I will be looking at the reason I do what I do. And I might share some of it with you. I suspect that rediscovering our purpose will change our outlook about the most minor parts of our days.

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