
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

14 Things I Learned in 2014

I thought I hadn't learned anything of consequence this year but that's nonsense of course. I love blogging because it's a great reminder of what's happened in life. So here you are, in no particular order, fourteen things I've learned this year. (And a recap of what we've done in pictures.)

Broke in the winter playing in the snow

1. Being a Godly woman does not mean I can't be capable.  I can handle money appropriately, learn new skills, and confidently- from a place of obedience- help others.

11 weeks pregnant

2. Nobody thinks about me as much as I think about me. And I'd like to change that. Not so others think of me more but that I think of myself less.

Micah turned four

3. Doing this work that God has given me is not second nature. Matter of fact, it goes against my nature.

We spent most of spring and summer outside playing in the dirt

4. For whatever reason, approaching 30 has changed the way I think about what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. 30 is legit adulthood, folks.

Vacation at the beach

5. Paper planners are the way to get things done, for me at least. I bought one and used it every single day this year.

Kevin turned two

6. Every area I want to grow in starts in my relationship with Christ. I can't pick one area to focus on without majorly dropping the ball in others but if I work at being the woman God wants me to be He can tend to the separate functions.

31 weeks pregnant

7. Limits are good. There is room for art in everyday life.

After Caleb's amnio to test him for IVA

8. I can always obey. No matter how I feel or where I am.

Justin went on a work trip to the Pentagon

Caleb was born on Halloween

10. When you are having a new baby a little planning makes all the difference. Prepare your home, your family, and your spirit.

I joined the Influence Network and started taking classes

11. All the important work is just small work done repeatedly, passionately, and faithfully. It's load after load of laundry, meal after meal cooked, tiny temperatures taken, kind words spoken.

Family of five

12. My attitude and motive in disciplining my kids matters more than just what I do.

Spent the year working in our church's music ministry

13. Being a mom, for me at least, has gotten easier as we've had more children.

We ran away for the day to celebrate our seventh anniversary

14. Love is going the second mile when you didn't feel like going the first. Marriage matters

What have you learned this year? On to 2015! 


  1. Great recap! Isn't amazing when you look back and realize just how much you learned and how much happened?

    1. I was really shocked once I started thinking about it! Happy New Year! (Guess it's a few hours older for you!)
