
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Episode 15: The Pursuit of Purity

Purity isn't just for singles. Of course that's mostly how we hear it addressed and then it's dropped as if it becomes a non-issue once you say those vows. That's not true and Phylicia and I are talking about pursuing purity on this week's podcast episode. 

Pursuing purity doesn't look much different once you're married than it did when you were single. There are different struggles but the approach is the same. Tackle the mind and the heart. Purity begins in the mind: how we think influences how we act. 

Practical tips from this episode: 
1. Guard what you put in your head. 
Develop guidelines but remember that standards alone lead to pride. You're after the right heart. 

2. Don't look for the admiration or attention of men (or other men if you're married). 
"There's a difference between being attractive and dressing to attract."  There's also a difference between being friendly and being flirtatious. 

3. Don't wait for a man to satisfy your need for admiration or love. 
You have value in Christ.

4. Don't base your worth on your sexuality. 
You are more than your appearance. 

Purity is always a heart issue. 

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