
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Survey 2015 Observations

You all were so kind with your open-ended responses! I wanted to sit down and chat about some of the things you told me and asked me. But since that's not possible I do want to answer some of your questions and mention a few things that surprised me. 

Some random observations: 

1. I was surprised at how many men read the blog. I never considered you in my target readership (sorry!). I haven't decided if this will change content or not but I'm leaning toward no.
2. Marriage topics are one of your favorites! Who knew? This is one I don't write about a lot. That will change. 
3. A lot of you don't use social media. Also a surprise. And if you do and don't follow me you'll get a more "inside" glimpse at life from it. Twitter and Instagram- @delighting_days
4. It was also interesting to guess at a few surveys that came from, I think, people I know in real life. Some were obvious (dear husband whose questions I'm not even going to answer since they regarded dinner) and some were just good guesses from the answers as a whole. Yes, I know that ruins the point of an anonymous survey. 
5. You were pretty equally split between people who had only been reading a few months and people who had been reading for several years. 

On to the questions: (the rest I'll answer in separate posts)

Q. When did you discover you could draw and paint so well? 
A. (I told my husband this was going to give me a big head.) I've been drawing and painting since I was little. Most of the things I'm "good at" and enjoy doing I've been doing in some form my whole life. This is one of those skills that gets shelved and then brought back to the table depending on my life season. I think it's one that will have it's time once my children are older. I'm just trying to sharpen my skills a little now. 

Q. Has being such a creative cook always come so easy for you?
A. Background on why I can cook first: my mom has taught me to cook since I was very young. I think that accounts for most of this. Cooking doesn't scare me because I know the basics. That's why I'm comfortable playing around with what I'm doing. I have a general idea of flavors that will taste good together and how to combine different ingredients. But I think if you don't know the basics you can't move beyond that. 

Q. What Bible do you use? 
A. King James Version

Q. Do you like staying in a college town, or would you have rather moved on after Cumberland? 
A. I like the people. I get attached to people and they make the life for me. I do enjoy being able to raise our boys "in the country" but I wouldn't be opposed to living somewhere bigger. Let's face it, there's nothing in Williamsburg. Or at least an hour in any direction.

Q. How do you handle practical, but beautiful modesty on a daily basis? Resources, styles, building a wardrobe as a SAHM, etc. 
A. Thanks for the compliment. Two things to give you a better idea of how I do clothes. It's hard for me to find clothes that fit; I'm too tall for most clothes with the length I'm comfortable with wearing. And I rewear a lot. I have friends and know of people who try not to wear the same thing in a year. That is not me. I find an outfit that works and I wear it to death. And this answer got really long so I'm going to do an entirely separate post on this to answer your question more fully. I'll try to even take some pictures. 

Thanks for participating in the survey and thanks for showing up to read! If you have any other questions or thoughts please share them in the comments or use the Contact Me form. 

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