
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Lessons from Kate

Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, is one of my favorite "famous" people. Now I don't follow her or what she does for two simple reasons: I don't have time and it doesn't matter. But there are quite a few things I admire about her. 

She's lovely, ladylike, and poised. She has a lot of qualifications put upon her based on her position. She had  more "freedom" when she was as an average person and the Queen didn't get to help name her baby. She could wear what she wanted, say what she wanted, and do what she wanted. Now everything she does is a reflection on the royal family, not just an outlet of herself.  But she has graciously responded to the responsibilities of stepping into the role of future queen. 

photo source: google images

(There's one overwhelming reason that I'm glad I'm not famous: paparazzi. I don't want people trying to take my picture, make up stories about me, or splash me into everyone's view on a daily basis. Now the British government does a pretty good job of protecting the royals but there are still pictures of Kate everywhere.)

You know what most people do with those pictures? Criticize. They are wanting to criticize how she looks, what she wears, and how she parents. Although she must have days when she wants to hide away somewhere because people are always watching, she doesn't. She gets up, fixes up, and goes out to her work.  She dresses and acts with the goal of representing the royal family well. 

There are several lessons we can learn from Kate. I don't know her personally (obviously) and I don't know what she believes but she sets a good example. 

1. I represent God and His family.  Everything I do reflects on Him and I need to be aware of that as I make my choices. I hope I respond as graciously to that truth as Kate seems to have responded to her new role as royalty.  How I dress, how I act, how I teach my children, how I treat my husband all reflect my relationship with Jesus. I am here as God's ambassador and I should be more concerned about how I'm representing Him than how I feel about something. Somehow it really helps to see an earthly example of this, doesn't it? Can we not give up something for the good of the greater? We will never regret it in heaven. 
Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.  2 Corinthians 5:20
2. There will always be critics. No matter how beautiful, talented, intelligent, or rich you are people are waiting to criticize.  We can't expect anything less because they did the same to Jesus. The Pharisees were constantly watching Him with the intent of criticizing what He did. The world will always criticize; it does not matter what you do. They criticized Jesus and John the Baptist for doing the exact opposite things. You cannot base what you do in life on pleasing others; it's a futile effort. You can't let the criticism of others stop you or make you go hide in your closet either. You will miss all of life that way. 
For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine; and ye say, He hath a devil. The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners! But wisdom is justified of all of her children. Luke 7:33-35
Live life to honor God. Die to self and step into that role of ambassador even when it's uncomfortable. Follow God's will even when others are going to criticize. 

What are some ways you make Bible truths more relevant to your own life? 

Also, am I the only one who would like to meet famous people in a normal setting- like my dinner table- so I could see what they are really like? 

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