
Thursday, January 30, 2014

On My Bookshelf: Children Are Wet Cement

I love to read. I'm usually reading multiple books at one time so I can digest more of the content. Of course most of my fiction reading has fallen by the wayside since I have two children who seem to require attention :) 

Most of my reading now is centered on my work: mothering, marriage, homemaking, godly femininity. Continuing education is a requirement in most fields.  Why would I not try to learn more about my life work? 

I've been rereading Anne Ortlund's Children Are Wet Cement the last couple of weeks. I have no idea where I bought it as you might guess from the sale sticker on the book. 

She covers quite a few topics from how you talk to your child to how you discipline all all from the viewpoint that everything you do leaves an impression. 

My favorite point she made about small children and discipline is that you should discipline according to the sinfulness of the action, not the irritation of the action. Some things are just childishness that will be outgrown and should get a much smaller reaction than things that show the root of sin that will damage all of their lives. 

I'm sure I wouldn't agree with all of Anne Ortlund's doctrine but this isn't a book on doctrine. It's a book on children; and a good one at that. Especially if you can find it for a dollar. But if not, you can find it here

And you can always check out the other books I've been reading here


  1. I love that "discipline according to the sinfulness of the action, not the irritation of the action" I may have to get this book!

    1. It's a great book! I'm enjoying rereading it :)
