
Thursday, June 20, 2013


Love, love, love this picture of me and Micah! I think pictures like this are so much better than posed studio pictures. 

In other news, there's a reason we keep an extra g-tube in the car. It's so that when Micah's g-tube comes out when we're practicing music after church we can just put a new one in. No big deal, right? Thankfully it really wasn't. Much simpler than a trip to the hospital. Kudos to my husband who could have been a medical professional. And kudos to our budget because ER visits went up with insurance changes. Again, we budget- so it's not a big deal.  Budget, oh how I love thee. Most of the time anyway. 

We're still revamping our "schedule" around here. Really rhythm is a better word. Affix tasks to certain times or other activities and then you don't have to remember them. They just get done!  (You do still actually have to do them though. You just don't have to worry about when.)
  • We're still cleaning on Mondays now. So far I like it. We'll finish out the month and decide from there.
  • Micah no longer naps so we are transitioning to quiet time. We're both doing well with it so far although it's a big change. 
Overall I think both of these changes will really help once we start official school with Micah. Right now we are only doing unofficial work. Don't ask me what the difference is.

I think I'll do a review of our weekly schedule rhythm in a few weeks because quite a bit of it has changed since we had Kevin. 

Enjoy your Thursday! Our pastor and his family will be joining us for dinner tonight. Doesn't that sound better than saying  that "we'll be having them for dinner"? Proofreading really is a wonderful thing!  

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