
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Work and Results

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.      - Thomas Edison 

With few exceptions (none that I can think of but I'm just covering my bases), anybody that accomplishes anything does so because they work. The famous brilliant men of the past like da Vinci and Einstein probably worked more in a few years than most modern people will in a lifetime!

God loves work. And he loves work done right. Don't believe me? Go read Proverbs! Just read one chapter that corresponds with the date (you know, chapter one on the first of the month, chapter two on the second of the month, etc, etc) and write down every reference to work or labor. God intended for us to work to keep ourselves out of trouble! We act like we are supposed to scoot by with as little work as possible and lie on the couch but that was never what God intended. He wants us to do something with our lives! The Bible even states that Jesus did so much (work!) that the world couldn't contain the record of all of it if it were written. (John 21:25)

We can do far more than we realize if we are willing to work hard. Sometimes it's easy to be jealous of what others have without realizing they have worked for it! I don't just have a clean house. I have a clean house because I do the work to have a clean house. Now I have removed most of the mental work from cleaning by having a schedule but I still have to do the physical work. I have to get up, get my supplies, and scrub.

I'm not just learning the Bible. I'm learning the Bible because I'm working at learning the Bible. Do you want to know what the Bible says and how is applies to you? Good! But God's not just going to zap the information into you because it's a good request. You have to read and study and listen. For years. Just keep doing those things and you'll be learning the Bible. God is a master teacher. (Psalm 25)

I'm not just thin. I'm thin because I work to be thin. Now honestly, I have a genetic predisposition toward being thin. But if I didn't watch what I eat and exercise I wouldn't be thin regardless of genetics.

I have fun and (for the most part) obedient children. But you know why? Because I work at that. And that takes a lot of time and mental as well as physical effort for me. But if you want the results you must do the work. There are no exceptions to this.

Sometimes work is called something else, like practice or training.

Want to learn to play the piano? Practice and practice some more.
Want to be a better cook? Practice. Get in there and cook. Over and over.
Want to learn a foreign language? Practice. Read. Study. Exercise your skills
Want to run a 5K? Run. Train.

Do something little each day toward a goal. Have goals for that matter.

Our society is developing an allergy to work. What's the best prevention for developing this allergy? Arm yourself with God's view of work.

Can this go in my classroom?

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