
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Be A Mom First

I've mentioned before that I like to use phrases to remind myself what I'm supposed to be doing. It's a simple way to help keep myself on track. Lately, God has impressed a new one on my heart. "Be a mom first." Now I don't mean putting my mothering in an inappropriate spot on my priority list. God and my husband still come first but I think you'll see how this has changed my thinking the past few weeks.

Being a mom is the easiest way to learn how selfish you are. Before you have kids you can pretty much do whatever you want whenever you want. Even a husband does not usually have the intensity of needs that children do. Motherhood provides a chance to die to self every day. And that's a good thing, remember? Galations 2:20, "For I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." Christ should now live through me instead of self. It's not about what I want.

Be a mom first. I most often remind myself of this when we are out of our normal schedule and it would be easiest for me to do what I want to do. I remind myself to be a mom first at church. This can mean skipping extra fellowship with ladies to go let Micah play on the stairs. Or reading a book instead of talking while we are waiting on Justin to finish something.

Be a mom first. Be a mom first when running errands. I'm a list maker and I like to check things off as quickly as possible. I need to remember to slow down. Let Micah sit in the front and "drive" when we are stopped at a store. Take little toys and play with him. Giggle and tickle him when he's in the grocery cart.

Be a mom first. Be a mom first at the library. Go play with Micah instead of talking to other moms. Be a mom first in the car. Instead of vegging out, talk to him, turn around and tickle him, sing songs with him.

Be a mom first at home. Pray for creative things to do with him. Skip what I'm doing and do something he wants to. Play with him! Let him help me even when things take longer.

Obviously, I believe this glorifies God by honoring His commands. God entrusted these children to me! I feel very honored that he would give these precious souls into our care for these formative years. But another major benefit is that Micah behaves much better when I'm being a mom first.

I don't consider myself a natural mother. Some people are gifted in dealing with small kids and it comes naturally to them. Granted, they probably struggle with things that come easily to me. But I must put extra time and prayer into my mothering. (Let's remember when I majored in education it was secondary education! haha) But as I grow closer to God I am growing in my skills as a mother. God will never give me something to do that He won't help me do!

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Lisa. My children behave much better when they sense that they are at the top of my priority list. :)
    Have a wonderful week-end!
