
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Metabolics Appointment

Micah had a metabolic appointment in Cincinnati today so off we went this morning. It was a gorgeous day and we stopped at a rest area to let Micah get out and run around for a while. He loves getting out; the car gets old for anybody. And he no longer sleeps while traveling.

Studying his toy

Micah weighs right over 29 pounds and I forgot to get his height. I'll find out this week. His doctor thought he looked really good and was pleased with his progress and his eating habits, specifically that we hadn't used his g-tube for quite a while. It takes some persuasion to get all the formula in him but it happens! His nutritionist was on vacation so we didn't get to see her but I'll talk to her sometime this week about formula changes.

The only concern was that Micah isn't talking yet. I'm not too worried about it at this point but we are going to start thinking about some options if he continues to just jabber.

His doctor also suggested that we start a blog that focused on low-protein cooking. He said he had several patients that could use the resource. So guess what we're throwing around ideas for? Yup, another blog is in the making. Right now I'm stuck on a name though. Any ideas?

We ate at Olive Garden on the way home! Yummy, my favorite! And we actually got home at 4:30, early enough to put Micah down for a nap and take one myself.

Justin and I were at King's Island on Saturday and we were discussing our first trip there several years ago. We were on our way home when we mentioned how far away Cincinnati was from home and how long the trip seemed! We've done it so much now that it seems like a drive down the road. Thankfully God has blessed us with fantastic people to help with Micah's care!


  1. Your son is a cutie! Glad to hear he's doing well. We'll be praying. : )

  2. Thank you! We appreciate the prayers!
