
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Make That All Medical Professionals...

My parents and brother came up to see us on Saturday! We had a great time with them and they enjoyed playing with Micah.

My brother gave Micah a ride.

They brought him a basketball, football, and soccer ball.

Dad read Micah his favorite book!

We had even more excitement Saturday night. Justin was reviewing his Sunday school lesson and I was making desserts for church when I picked Micah up. He needed a diaper change so I asked Justin to stir my blueberry filling while I took care of that. As soon as I laid Micah down I realized that his g-tube was on top of his diaper. That's not where it goes! So Justin came to help me and we attempted to insert a new g-tube. We've done it before so we weren't that worried about it. However, we didn't really know how long it had been out. It could have been up to an hour which was long enough that the tract had closed sufficiently for the g-tube to not fit.

Justin called Micah's metabolic doctor (have we mentioned how great he is?) and he told us to take him on to Corbin and have them call pediatric surgery if they had any problems. So off we went. Thankfully, a graduate nursing student came out when we arrived and realized that the g-tube tract could close (it only takes 3 hours) if they didn't fix it quickly so we were taken on back to a room.

I realized that I have a serious love/hate relationship with the ER in our local hospital. I hadn't been back since Micah was there when he was five days old and really sick. That hit hard when I walked in. I'm glad we weren't in the same room!

We heard the two comments that we always hear from people who have never seen Micah. 1. Wow, he's really big for his age! 2. He looks just like his dad! Then everybody said "Why does he have a g-tube?" Isovaleric Acidemia was not what anybody guessed. :)

The first doctor that came in said that he was not comfortable trying to stretch the g-tube tract back out. (We told them how they did it at CCHMC.) There were eight people that ended up in Micah's room to watch the other doctor. Thankfully, they were able to get it back in and we came on home!

I'm so thankful for medical professionals! Especially the ones who work night-shift in the ER!

I still managed to finish these awesome desserts for church today! Everybody loved them!

Coconut Pecan Cookies

Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies

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