
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Personal Time Schedule

Our culture does not give the homemaker the honor she deserves.
But God does.
-Nancy Wilson

Anyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a morning person. However, mornings have very distinct advantages. Namely, my child is not a morning person either. So, if I’m going to have alone time, it’s going to be then! So I try to get up at 6. Yes, 6. I cringe even writing it. And almost every morning I stand by the bed looking at my phone trying to talk myself out of the madness. But I (usually) get up. Then I start off with my Bible study; I run with some ladies from church (there’s that accountability for my exercise) and get cleaned up for the day. Now if I’m really moving along I can even get some cleaning or writing done before Micah’s up. But at least I’ve gotten important things done and I don’t have to worry about them until the next morning. Normally the only time I feel super behind is if I sleep too late and it serves me right too! I don’t want to have to try to squeeze in my morning routine into the rest of the day. (Honestly, this part is probably where I have the hardest time being disciplined but I keep working at it and I have gotten a lot better even over the past few months. The latest I've been up lately has been about 7:20. )

And then there’s nap time. Micah takes a 1.5-2 hour nap most afternoons. The first part of this time is almost always reserved for piano practice. I try not to practice shorter than 30 minutes unless I feel really rough and aim for closer to 45-60 minutes. Then afterwards, I nap, read, write, blog, work on MK stuff, get caught up on housework if I’m behind, cook, etc.

I realize that I could easily do all my housework during Micah’s nap but I choose not to. Naptime is really the only time I have to seriously practice piano because Micah also loves to play and it’s hard to practice when you are constantly making sure he’s not into something. Also I want him to continue to learn to entertain himself at a time when it’s still easy for me to keep an eye on him. Mopping is not very all-absorbing.

The time after Micah’s in bed is officially couple time! I rarely talk on the phone and I try to stay off the computer (I’m going to have to get strict with myself again!) That husband of mine is wonderful and he definitely deserves scheduled time as well! Your schedule shows your priorities, right?

As you can see, I’m not exceptionally busy and that’s on purpose. There is no glory or triumph in being so busy that you are miserable. It’s not more godly and I think it might actually be less so. That’s why I don’t make my own detergent or grind our own grain (that's a new trend I've noticed) or get really involved in a lot of activities outside the home, etc, etc, etc. And if you do, that’s great! You have to find what works for your family. Those type of activities just aren’t on our priority list now. My family deserves me at my best. My hope, and I think my reality, is that my schedule allows me to better use my time and serve God and my family.


  1. I just heard a radio program on this topic. Families are making the choice to not fill every minute of their schedule. Such a wise choice, one I believe is directed of God. Not only are we less stressed, but our children are more peaceful, too.


  2. Thank you!
    Children need structure but not chaos!They are missing out on so much free play time because of activities outside the home and that play time is important.

  3. I've also adjusted my schedule to getting up at 6 before my children. The hardest part was the first week or so.

  4. I really do ok as long as we get in bed at a decent hour. That's our struggle here :/
